Teaching testers about web development, and developers about testing.

Filip Hric

Hey, I’m Filip! 👋

I am a tester at heart, with huge passion for web testing in and teaching. I write blogs, conduct workshops and speak on testing all around the world. Glad to meet you!


I conduct live and online workshops on Cypress.io. I am a big believer of learning by doing. This is why you can expect hands-on experience instead of lengthy lecture. Over the years, I have taught hundreds of participants on how to effectively use Cypress.io and helped them apply best practices.

Filip Hric a selfie from a workshop
Filip Hric consulting a testing project


I help companies deliver high-quality software by setting up a healthy testing culture. I have helped review test automation suites as well as quality processes in various startups.

Conference talks

I am an international keynote speaker. I have spoken on conferences, webinars and events around the world. I like to do live coding on stage and demonstrate real-life examples and problem solutions.

Filip Hric on conference stage
Filip Hric tutoring an individual


I help individuals grow and improve their test automation game. Together we solve obscure testing problems, brainstorm solutions or prepare for technical interviews.

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