Check out my newly released course 99 Tips
Level up your Cypress skills with bite-sized, practical tips that you can immediately apply to your testing workflow.
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Ever bought a course and never finished it?
I've been there too.
Sometimes you just want to get to the point quickly and learn what you need. Well good news! You can go through this course in no particular order and still learn a lot.
Lessons span from 30 seconds to 7 minutes (I said no longer than 5 minutes in the video, oops) but are designed to be as information dense as possible.
Course main language is english, but contains subtitles for these languages:
(Some of these languages are still being reviewed.)
Brag to your friends and colleagues about your new Cypress skills!
Impress your boss or a hiring manager!
Hang it on your wall!
Put it on a fridge!
Or LinkedIn!
I have a close to a decade of experience with teaching hundreds of developers and testers. I specialize in helping people level up their testing practices. Whether you are starting with test automation or you are looking to level up, I'm ready to help.
Still not sure? Check out some example lessons from the course.
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By purchasing this course, you agree to the Terms of Service.
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