Cypress core workshop

Cypress core workshop

Four-session hands-on workshop designed to teach you the principles and effective patterns of successful test automation in Cypress.

Mondays and Thursdays,
starting 5th to 15th August 2024
always from 7PM to 10PM (CEST)
Cypress stamp of approval
This workshop has been endorsed by Cypress DX team
Participants of this workshop get a certificate of completion

Cypress is getting more and more popularity in developer world and it’s getting traction in test automation teams as well. And for good reason. It is easy to start with and it’s fun to use.

But at the end of the day, it’s still just a tool.

Mastering a tool is one thing. Being able to apply it is a whole another story. While applying principles from other tools can give you a good start, it may fall short in trying unleash all the powers of

If you understand how Cypress works, it will take you further than any other tool would.

Importance of understanding
the core concepts

Having the right tool is important as any craftsman, musician or artist will tell you. But that alone is not good enough. Having a direction, vision and ability to perform well goes beyond any tool.

This is why I built a workshop that puts the usage of a tool into context of testing a real application.

Best practices

Why reinvent the wheel? There are tons of problems that have been figured out before and ingenious solutions that you can take inspiration from.

Test design

There’s more to writing a good test than simply emulating a human behavior. Being able to design a test with intention can reduce repetition, uncover regressions, and help you save time and money.

Edge cases

These can be hard to automate because... well, they are edge cases. Understanding Cypress capabilities can help you cover them and reduce the risk of unexpected regressions.


Your time is your most valuable asset. Making smart decisions and choosing your battles will be crucial in keeping up with the development. This starts with your first test and your assertions.

Learning experience

Learning experience

  • Workshop will take place online on a Zoom meeting.
  • Every chapter has a demo after which you will be working on a coding challenge so you can apply your knowledge
  • Q&A happens at every chapter so that you can maximize your learning
  • A repository with a real life application and all the learning materials will be available to you, even after the workshop ends
  • In between sessions, I have a Discord server available to you for chat, call or screen sharing
  • Workshop will be in english
Filip Hric

Hey, I’m Filip Hric

I have conducted dozens of workshops worldwide and have been teaching how to use Cypress since version 4.4.0. I do my best to take complex concepts and break them down into simple explanations. I make improvements and update this workshop regularly, so you will always get the latest and greatest. My goal is to provide attendees with a firm knowledge of the core principles that you can apply in your next job or next project.

Sessions designed to get you ready
for successful testing

Learning path that will guide you to your goal

Understanding basicsSession #1
Understanding basics
Creating your first Cypress projectInstallation and project structure, running Cypress GUI
Opening the application.visit() command, basic configuration, effective work with browser
Selecting elements on pageWays of selecting elements on page and selector strategies
Writing your first testBasic scenario automation, debugging and reading error messages
Making assertionsBest practices for writing assertions in end-to-end tests
Get to know CypressSession #2
Get to know Cypress
Effective command chainingWriting effective command chains and understand how information is passed through commands
Testing dynamic pagesUsing built-in retryability to test a dynamic, always re-rendering site
Handling data within a testHow to save and alias information, and pass it around your test
Creating custom commandsAbstracting test logic into separate command, expanding Cypress library with own commands
Working with networkSession #3
Working with network
Intercepting network requestsLearning how to use cy.intercept() command for testing edge cases
API testingTesting data from API and using cy.request() to prepare and handle test data
Installing useful pluginsSolving common problems with resources from open-source community
Handling authentication flowCaching a logged in state of browser and managing backend authentication
Managing Cypress ProjectSession #4
Managing Cypress Project
Running Node.js scripts in testSeeding database using a predefined script and connecting it to the test flow
Switching configurationLearn how to switch between different environments
Testing in headless modeRunning tests in headless mode and explanation of its functionality
Setting up a simple CI workflowRunning a test suite on GitHub actions and collecting results

Get ready to up your Cypress game

Cypress core workshop
Cypress core workshop
Access to 12 hours of learning on a live workshop
Certificate endorsed by Cypress DX team
Lifetime access to Discord support channel
Repository with a real application
Coding challenges and learning materials
NaN €
  1. Sign up for the workshop

    Fill in the name and email of the workshop attendee. Clicking on the "Register" button will take you to the payment page. You’ll receive a receipt and invoice for the payment to your email.

  2. Receive confirmation email

    I’ll send you an email to let you know that I received the payment and that you are registered for the workshop. Feel free to reply or ask me anything.

  3. Three days before the workshop

    You’ll receive an email with preparation instructions, zoom link for the workshop and all the information you’ll need.

Registration to the workshop is currently closed. A new date will be released soon.


Who is this workshop for?

It is especially useful for testers, QAs and QA engineers that are starting with test automation or are migrating from another framework, such as Selenium. It can also be useful for frontend developers that would like to get to know Cypress

Who is this workshop NOT for?

It’s definitely NOT suitable for people that have no prior experience with web applications. If CSS, HTML and JavaScript are still foreign terms for you, it’s better to first catch up on the basics of these.

The date of the workshop does not suit me, will there be other options?

Yes! Follow me on Twitter, LinkedIn or sign up for the newsletter and I’ll let you know.

I’d like you to come and do a workshop in our company, is that possible?

Of course! I’m preparing an info page about this, but feel free to reach out to me and I’d be happy to give you more info

Will the workshop be recorded?

I don’t like to record workshop for various reasons. The main one is that a recording will not have the same value as when you attend the workshop yourself. You’ll miss the practical examples, option to ask questions and interact with other attendees.

Let’s keep in touch

From time to time I send some useful tips to your inbox and let you know about upcoming events. Sign up if you want to stay in loop.

is required.

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